
Larkin is a self-proclaimed Vinyasa Vixen who teaches accessible, inclusive, empowering, Body Neutral and Trauma Informed group and private fitness classes. It is Larkin's hope that her students are able to cultivate all that she herself is able to uncover in her own movement practice - their courage, strength, resiliency, and sense of play - by getting out of their heads and into their bodies. For Larkin, these movement modalities are an act of reckoning and reclamation, and she would love to share these deeply liberative practices with you. Larkin is the current Yoga Ambassador for lululemon Maine Mall in Portland, ME and a true superfan of their product, which she wears head to toe, day-in, and day out. There's a deep misconception that only certain, default bodies are "wellness" bodies, and that lululemon apparel is reserved for that demographic. But Larkin is an unapologetically fat-bodied movement educator, who wears her beloved lululemon loud and proud! Shop Larkin's storefront and learn more about her lululemon love.Paid Links